- de Beaune S. 2024. “André Leroi-Gourhan et Moret-sur-Loing : la naissance d’une vocation”, Culture & Patrimoine. La revue des Amis de Moret et de sa Région, 249, p. 9-18.
- Delley G., Kaeser, M.-A. 2024. «Collections patrimoniales et polysémie des matériaux archéologiques: L’apport heuristique et muséographique d’une réflexivité sur les trajectoires des objets», in C. Louboutin, A. Lehoërff (eds.), Archéologie en musée et identités nationales en Europe (1848-1914): Un héritage en quête de nouveaux défis au 21e siècle. Leiden, Sidestone Press, p. 29-47.
- Laffranchi Z., Zingale S., Indra L., Lösch S., Coia V., Salazar Garcia D. G., Paladin A., Kaeser M.-A., Delley G., Szidat S., Lösch S., Zink A., Milella M. 2024. «Geographic origin, ancestry, and death circumstances at the Cornaux/les Sauges Iron Age bridge, Switzerland», Scientific Reports – Nature Portfolio [London] 14:12180 doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-62524-y
- Díaz-Andreu M., Coltofean L. (eds.) Forthcoming December 2024. Handbook of the History of Archaeology. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- Guidi A. 2024. “Marxist Archaeology”, in Nikita E., Rehren T. (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Archaeology, second edition, vol. 1, London, Academic Press, p. 413-419.
- Rubat Borel F. Guidi A. 2024. Le Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico de Rome : les buts et les méthodes de Luigi Pigorini”, in C. Loboutin, A, Lehoërff (eds.), Archéologie en musée et identités nationales en Europe (1848 — 1914), Rencontres du MAN 1, Sidestone Press, Leiden, p. 291-317.
- Kaeser M.-A. 2024. «Les faux et les fraudes en archéologie». In V. Negri & N. Schlanger (eds.), Le droit de l’archéologie. Genèse et développements du XIXe au XXIe siècles. Paris, La Documentation française, 5 p.
- Pernet L., Guichard V., Kaeser M.-A. 2024. « Gilbert Kaenel (1949-2020) et l’archéologie au musée », in C. Louboutin, A. Lehoërff eds., Archéologie en musée et identités nationales en Europe (1848-1914) : Un héritage en quête de nouveaux défis au 21e siècle. Leiden, Sidestone Press: 11-27.
- Kaeser M.-A. 2024. «Unexpected World Heritage Connections : Le Corbusier and Prehistoric Pile-Dwellings». Ouvrage collectif offert à Albert Hafner pour ses 65 ans. Bern, Universität Bern.
- Linetty J. 2024. Średniowieczne drzwi żelazne z Ostrowa Lednickiego [Medieval iron doors from Ostrów Lednicki], in K. Kaczmarek, J. Linetty, M. Przybył (eds), Między archeologią a historią. Księga dedykowana pamięci prof. dr. hab. Andrzeja Marka Wyrwy (1955-2022), Poznań, p. 385-410.
- Kaczmarek K., J. Linetty, M. Przybył (eds). 2024. Między archeologią a historią. Księga dedykowana pamięci prof. dr. hab. Andrzeja Marka Wyrwy (1955-2022) [Between archeology and history. A book dedicated to memory of prof. dr. hab. Andrzej Marek Wyrwa (1955-2022)], Poznań.
IUPPS “History of Archaeology” commission: members’ publications 2023
- Alarcón-Jiménez, A. M., Jiménez Pasalodos, R., Díaz-Andreu, M., 2023. “A Glimpse Behind Closed Doors. Alfred L. Kroeber and the Representation of Native Californian Music”, History and Anthropology, 34 (3), 521-539. doi: 10.1080/02757206.2021.1983561.
- Arnold B. 2023. “The perils of a usable past: archaeology’s journey from culture history to culture wars”, Getty-CAS Spring School Working Paper Series, 13, 1 “The Impact of the Political on Archaeological Research”, p. 1-22. University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Bulyk N., Berest R. 2023. “The Didushytsky family’s mission in conservation and research of Galician historical and archaeological heritage”, Східноєвропейський історичний вісник. Вип. 27. p. 81–89. doi: 10.24919/2519-058X.27.281516
- Bulyk N., Berest R. 2023. “Lviv archaeological environment during World War I”. Archaeologia Polona. vol. 61. p. 75–104. doi: 10.23858/APa61.2023.3299
- Cataldi M. 2023. “Les relevés des Wandjina de George Grey. De « l’art aborigène » à « l’art primitif » (1838-1906)”, Organon, 55, p. 105-130
- de Beaune S. A., N. Richard. 2023. “The professionalization of female prehistorians in France in the Twentieth Century”, in S. L. López Varela (ed.), Women Achievements in Archaeology: Intersectionalities in Practice Worlwide, Springer, Highlights Women’s Accomplishments series, p. 243-268.
- Díaz-Andreu, M. 2023. “Women’s Pathways in the History of Spanish Archaeology (19th and 20th Centuries)”, In López Varela, S. L. (ed.) Women in Archaeology: Intersectionalities in Practice Worldwide Women in Engineering and Science. Springer, Cham, p. 221-242. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-27650-7_11.
- Díaz-Andreu, M., 2023. “Visigothic Archaeology. An example the influence of National Socialism in Spain?”, in Eickhoff, M., Modl, D., Meheux, K., Nuijten, E. (eds.), National-Socialist Archaeology in Europe and its Legacies. Springer, Cham, p. 463-484. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-28024-5_20.
- Díaz-Andreu, M., 2023. “La integración de la mujer en los museos arqueológicos en España: una historia centenaria”, in Fatás Monforte, P., Díaz-González, L. M., Martínez Llano, A. M. (eds.), Los bisontes de Altamira los descubrió una mujer. Museos, arqueología, patrimonio y género. Museo Nacional y Centro de Investigación de Altamira, Madrid, p. 15-38.
- Fitzpatrick A., M.-A. Kaeser. 2023. “La Tène. A place of memory”, Current World Archaeology, 120, p. 24-31.
- Guidi A. 2023. “Scarabelli nel contesto dell’archeologia preistorica europea, in G. B. Vai (ed.), Scarabelli, un pioniere sempre! (Atti convegno Imola 2022), Thedolite Editore, Imola , p. 9-13.
- Guidi A. 2023. “Gli atlanti di paletnologia in Italia nel XIX secolo”, in I. Tirabassi, R. Macellari, G.A. Rossi (eds), L’atlante di Paletnologia del Reggiano di Don Gaetano Chierici, Edizioni della Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Antiche Province Modenesi-Sezione di Reggio Emilia, p. 37-48.
- Kaeser M.-A. 2023. “Les musées, l’émerveillement archéologique et le respect de l’altérité préhistorique”, in J.-M. Geneste, P. Grosos, B. Valentin (eds.), Préhistoire : Nouvelles frontières. Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’homme, p. 403-409.
- Kaeser M.-A. 2023. “Biography in science studies and the historiography of archaeology: Some methodological guidelines”, in C. Lewis & G. Moshenska (eds.) Life-Writing in the History of Archaeology: Critical Perspectives. London, University College London Press, p. 25-44.
- Kaeser M.-A. 2023. “Le passé ‘helvétique’ de la Suisse. Préhistoire d’un adjectif historique”, arCHaeo – Revue d’Archéologie Suisse, 3, p. 12-14.
- Kaeser M.-A. 2023. “Exposition : Du cœur à l’ouvrage ». arCHaeo – Revue d’Archéologie Suisse, 3, p. 47.
- Kostrhun P. 2023. “Jan Jelínek´s Romania, 1974”. Anthropologie, 61 (3), p. 343–349.
- Linetty J. 2023. Profesor dr hab. Andrzej Marek Wyrwa (1955-2022) – dyrektor Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy [Professor Andrzej Marek Wyrwa (1955-2022), director of the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica], Muzealnictwo, t. 64, p. 180-185.
- Moreno Martín, F. J., Díaz-Andreu, M., 2023. “Vino rancio en odres nuevos. La arquitectura y el espíritu nacional en la obra de Manuel Gómez-Moreno”, in Moya Morales, J., Martín-Lagos Carreras, I. (eds.), Manuel Gómez-Moreno y los dólmenes de Antequera. Consejería de Turismo, Cultura y Deporte. Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla, p. 69-86.
- Oliva, M., P. Kostrhun. 2023. “National Socialist Archaeology in Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia”, in M. Eickhoff, D. Modl, K. Meheux, E. Nuijten (eds.), National-Socialist Archaeology in Europe and its Legacies, p. 99 – 126. ISBN: 978-3-031-28023-8.
- Ramírez Galicia A. 2023. “¿Para qué sirve la prehistoria?”, Contrahistorias. Pensamiento crítico y contracultura, Mexico, 3e serie, 33, September 2022-February 2023, p. 99-112.
- Rosner C. 2023. Creuser la terre-patrie : une histoire de l’archéologie en Palestine et Israël. Paris : CNRS éditions.
- Plutniak S. 2023. “L’autonomisation éditoriale de la publication des données : des tirés-à-parts aux data journals en archéologie (1950–2000)”, in N. Verdier, H. Védrine, A. Kalantzis (eds.) Les périodiques comme médiateurs culturels. Autour de la diffusion des savoirs. Séminaire PéLiAS (Périodiques, Littérature, Arts, Sciences) 2019-2022, Actes, Gif-sur-Yvette : MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, p. 155-173, doi : 10.52983/qbtj3499
- Manikowska E., A. Fedorowicz-Jackowska, K. Kłudkiewicz, W. Walanus, Woźny M. 2023. Porządek dziedzictwa w XIX wieku. Polskie pojęcia i wyobrażenia [The Order of Heritage in the Nineteenth Century. Polish Notions and Representations], Warszawa, Instytut Sztuki PAN. ISBN 978-83-66519-68-8.
- Woźny M. 2023. Ofiarodawstwo na rzecz Muzeum Archeologicznego AU i PAU, in M. Stinia (ed.), Mecenasi Akademii Umiejętności i Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności, Kraków, s. 123–135.
- Woźny M. 2023. Zarys historii badań archeologicznych nad epoką kamienia na terenie Wyżyny Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej w XIX i XX wieku, in W. Borkowski et al. (eds), Krzemień jurajski w pradziejach. Materiały z konferencji w Krakowie 28–30 września 2017, Warszawa-Kraków, p. 15–44.
- Vashanau, A., D. H. Werra, M. Brandl, V. Asheichyk, M. Woźny. 2023. Z bliska czy z daleka? Analiza skałek krzemiennych z Białorusi, [in:] W. Borkowski et al. (eds), Krzemień jurajski w pradziejach. Materiały z konferencji w Krakowie 28–30 września 2017, Warszawa-Kraków, p. 263–300.
- Tunia K., M. Woźny. 2023. Editorial, Archaeologia Polona, 61, Echoes of war – 20th-century Conflict Archaeology, p. 1–4.
IUPPS “History of archaeology” commission: collective publications
The commission has published the following items.
2021. New Advances in the History of Archaeology
de Beaune, S., A. Guidi, O. Moro Abadía, M. Tarantini, (eds) 2021, New Advances in the History of Archaeology, Oxford: Archaeopress, 228 p.
- Elena Rossoni-Notter, Olivier Notter, Patrick Simon, Suzanne Simone. Démarche d’historien et de préhistorien ou comment pallier les manques dans l’étude de collections anciennes ? Exemples des Balzi Rossi (Ligurie, Italie) et de la grotte de l’Observatoire (Monaco)
- T. Rowan McLaughlin, Eóin Parkinson, Catriona Brogan, Simon Stoddart, Caroline Malone. Santa Verna in 1911 and 2015: re-examining pioneering stratigraphic excavation methods in Malta
- Massimo Tarantini. The multiple roots of an innovative excavation: G.A. Blanc at the Romanelli Cave, Italy (1914-1938)
- Gianna Reginelli Servais. Paul Vouga à La Tène et à Auvernier : la stratigraphie à l’épreuve de la typologie
- Federico Nomi, Massimo Cultraro, Alessandro Guidi, Sebastiano Tusa. Pioneers of archaeological stratigraphical techniques: Luigi Bernabò Brea (1910-1999) and Giorgio Buchner (1914-2005)
- Sébastien Plutniak. Abstraction in Archaeological Stratigraphy: a Pyrenean Lineage of Innovation (late 19th–early 21th century)
- Sophie A. de Beaune. Three career itineraries that linked prehistory, archaeology, and technology: Augustus Lane Fox Pitt Rivers (1827-1900), André Leroi-Gourhan (1911-1986) and François Sigaut (1940-2012)
- Oscar Moro Abadía. The tragic fate of heroic precursors in the history of archaeology: the case of Boucher de Perthes
- Rémi Labrusse. Primitif, précurseur, contemporain. Approches de l’art paléolithique au fondement de la pensée moderne
- Giorgos Vavouranakis, Georgia Kourtessi-Philippakis. Antiquity all over the place: evolutions and revolutions in early prehistoric research in Greece during the 1960s
- Shumon T. Hussain. Compelling image-worlds: a pictorial perspective on the epistemology of stone artefact analysis in Palaeolithic archaeology
- Marcelo J. Toledo. Luján, L’Abbeville des pampas. Amateurs, traders, and scholars behind the search of the pampean fossil man (1865-1884)
- Aurora Pețan. From mining to archaeology. An Austrian experiment in Transylvania at the beginning of the 19th century
- Marzena Woźny. Interdisciplinary research of the caves conducted by the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Cracow at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries
- Massimo Tarantini. Interdisciplinarity and institutions. The case of Italian prehistoric archaeology (1875-1954)
2016. International Perspectives
Delley, G., Díaz-Andreu, M., Djindjian, F., Fernández, V.M., Guidi, A., Kaeser, M.-A. (eds), 2016. History of Archaeology: International Perspectives, Oxford: Archaeopress, 237 p.
- Margarita Díaz-Andreu and Víctor M. Fernández. Introduction: International relations in the history of archaeology
- Eduardo Palacio-Pérez. British ideas in a French World. Victorian anthropologists and the creation of the concept of Palaeolithic Art (1890-1906)
- Karina Vanesa Chichkoyan. From far away: museums, collections and scientific research
- Francisco Sánchez Salas. Funding international study trips in early twentieth century Europe: the JAE grants and the presence of Spanish archaeologists in Italy (1907-1936)
- Margarita Díaz-Andreu. Romanità in Spain? The contacts between Spanish and Italian classical archaeologists during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930)
- Patrícia Conde, João Carlos Senna-Martínez, Ana Cristina Martins. Archaeological connections: tracking and tracing international relations throughout Portuguese colonialism
- Enrique Gozalbes-Cravioto. Africanism and international relations in Spanish prehistoric archaeology (1939-1956)
- Géraldine Delley. Internationalism and lake-dwelling research after the Second World War
- Sébastien Plutniak and Massimo Tarantini. An Influential Outsider. Georges Laplace between French institutions and Italian prehistory
- Ana Cristina Martins. The ‘Tagus Generation’ in Portuguese archaeology: transition, innovation or ‘revolution’? (A first analysis)
- Víctor M. Fernández. Learning to be scientific. The introduction of ‘New Archaeology’ in Spain, 1975-1990
- Lawrence Guy Straus. The Chicago Connection in Spanish Paleolithic Prehistory
- François Djindjian and Alessandro Guidi. Introduction: The Revolution of the Sixties in Prehistory and Protohistory
- François Djindjian. The Revolution of the Sixties in Prehistory and Protohistory
- Lioudmila Iakovleva. La préhistoire en Union Soviétique des années 1950 aux années 1960
- Alessandro Guidi. Marxism in the European archaeology of the sixties: the case studies of Italy and France
- Anne-Catherine Welté. Les relevés de Léon Pales et ses lectures de l’art mobilier sur les pierres gravées de La Marche (Vienne)
- Ana Cristina Martins. ‘Mission’: modernize! Portuguese archaeology in the 1960s (a preamble)
- Tim Murray. The New Archaeology and the Archaeology of Australia
- Marc-Antoine Kaeser. Innovative alliances in the history of archaeology: introduction to a new field of inquiry
- Géraldine Delley. Radiocarbon and archaeology: an innovative alliance in the post-WWII scientific field
- Alessandro Guidi. Lobbying for archaeology in the Italian ‘First Republic’
- Sébastien Plutniak. Interests on the margins of the disciplines: computing, engineers and archaeologists in France (1950–2000)
- Tim Murray. The Australian Research Council and the archaeology of the modern city in Australia
2009. Archaeologists without Boundaries
Babeş, M. & Kaeser, M.-A. (eds), 2009. Archaeologists without Boundaries. Towards a History of International Archaeological Congresses (1866-2006). Oxford: Archaeopress, 51 p., doi: 10.30861/9781407306223.
- Marc-Antoine Kaeser. Establishing Prehistory. The Foundation of the International Congress (1865/1866)
- Ana Cristina Martins. The 15th Congrès international d’Anthropologie et d’Archéologie préhistorique (Portugal, 1930)
- Erzsébet Marton. A Portrait of Flóris Rómer in the frame of Budapest-Lisbon CIAAPs 1876-1880 Congresses
- Ulrike Sommer. The International Congress of Prehistoric Anthropology and Archaeology and German Archaeology
- Arnaud Hurel, Amélie Vialet. Les congrès internationaux d’anthropologie et d’archéologie préhistoriques (1866-1912) et la question de l’éveil d’une conscience patrimoniale collective (fouilles, gisements, collections)
- Jarl Nordbladh. A Scandinavian view of the beginning of congress times
- Nicolae Ursulescu, Madalin-Cornel Valeanu. Le début de la culture de cucuteni dans l’archéologie européenne
2009. Antiquarians at the Megaliths
Midgley, M. (ed.) 2009. Antiquarians at the Megaliths. Oxford: Archaeopress, 78 p. doi: 10.30861/9781407304397
- Magdalena S. Midgley. Antiquarians at the megaliths: Introductory thoughts
- Jan Albert Bakker. Chronicle of megalith research in the Netherlands, 1547-1900
- Serge Cassen and Cyrille Chaigneau. Jean-Marie Bachelot de la Pylaie (1786-1856). The journey of an archeologist among the antiquaries in Brittany in the second half of the XIXth century
- Torben Dehn. The Videdys long dolmen 1643-2006
- Barbara Fritsch. Research history of the Altmark megalithic tombs
- Ana Cristina Martins. Nineteenth-century Portuguese at the megaliths
- Jeff Sanders. William Greenwell and the diversity of antiquarianism
- Heather Sebire. The Lukis family of Guernsey and the study of megaliths in the 19th century
- Karl-Göran Sjögren. Antiquarians at Swedish megaliths