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The “History of archaeology” commission of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (IUPPS)

In 1865 the first international organization for prehistoric archaeology was founded in La Spezia (Italy) as the Congrès international d’anthropologie et d’archéologie préhistorique (CIAAP). It was active until the First World War, when it was dissolved due to the rivalries between nations. A new organization was created in 1931, in Bern, to continue this international effort, the “International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences” (IUPPS). Since then, it groups together all the sciences related to prehistoric and protohistoric studies: archaeology, anthropology, palaeontology, geology, zoology, botany, environmental sciences, physics, chemistry, geography, history, numismatics, epigraphy, mathematics and other.
Research into the mechanisms of adaption and the dynamics of human societies lies at the heart of the IUPPS’s scientific interest. The IUPPS therefore periodically organises a world congress of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences and creates scientific commissions devoted to specific research issues.
One of these commissions is devoted to the History of Archaeology.

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“Dialectiques pyrénéennes : espaces esthétiques, terrains scientifiques. Contrastes et mélanges en hommage à Georges Laplace”, 19-21 September 2024, Arudy (France)

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The conference Dialectiques pyrénéennes : espaces esthétiques, terrains scientifiques. Contrastes et mélanges en hommage à Georges Laplace (Pyrenean Dialectics: Aesthetic Spaces, Scientific Fields. Contrasts and Miscellanea in Honour of Georges Laplace) is organised twenty years after the French prehistoric archaeologist Georges Laplace passed away. The event takes place in Arudy, in the Pyrenees, where Laplace carried out his most significant research activities, namely organising yearly “typology seminars” (from 1969 to 1989), creating and managing a museum (the Maison d’Ossau – Musée d’Arudy) and publishing the Dialektikê journal.

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Georges Jelski’s archaeological movies collection is available online

In 2021, the “Regional Archaeological Service” of the French Hauts-de-France region saved from destruction a collection of movies by Georges Jelski. Jelski was an archaeologist and filmmaker active in this region from the 1970s to 1990.

In total, 193 films, 4 magnetic media, and 14 soundtracks were collected. 17 films are freely available on the archipop website, documenting various topics including excavation, experimental reconstruction, science popularization, etc.

Chloé Rosner @ IUPPS History of archaeology

Postdoctoral Fellow of the French ministry of higher education and research at the National Institute for the History of Art since 2022.

Research interests

  • History of archaeology in Palestine/Israel and more broadly in the Middle East
  • Archives of archaeology and their history
  • History of prehistory and Franco-Israeli relations in this field in Palestine/Israel
  • Archaeological Network
  • Archaeology in colonial and imperial settings


  • Rosner C. 2023. Creuser la terre-patrie : une histoire de l’archéologie en Palestine et Israël. Paris : CNRS éditions.
  • Rosner C. [in press]. “Tracking Local Employees of the British Mandate Department of Antiquities in Palestine,” Bulletin of the History of Archaeology, special issue, “Histories of Labor in Archaeology”, edited by Sam Holley-Kline & Allison Mickel (2024).
  • Rosner C., E. Telkes-Klein [in press]. « Le Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem présente la préhistoire israélienne : exposition itinérante en France et en Israël, » In Actes du colloque : Du Rayonnement à l’influence. Histoire de la diplomatie culturelle, 4-5 mai 2022, edited by Martin, L. and Faucher, C. Toulouse : L’Attribut, 2024.
  • Rosner C. 2022. « Pour une histoire des réseaux préhistoriques franco-israéliens : Jean Perrot et la genèse du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem,» Organon, 54 : 65-86,
  • Rosner C. 2022. « Fouiller la Palestine, » In Chroniques de l’Europe, edited by Anceau E., Bledniak, B., Couhault, P. et al., 85-86. Paris : CNRS éditions.
  • Rosner C. 2018. « Des institutions et des hommes, » Cahiers de l’Orient, 130, no 2, 101-118.