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Chloé Rosner @ IUPPS History of archaeology

Postdoctoral Fellow of the French ministry of higher education and research at the National Institute for the History of Art since 2022.

Research interests

  • History of archaeology in Palestine/Israel and more broadly in the Middle East
  • Archives of archaeology and their history
  • History of prehistory and Franco-Israeli relations in this field in Palestine/Israel
  • Archaeological Network
  • Archaeology in colonial and imperial settings


  • Rosner C. 2023. Creuser la terre-patrie : une histoire de l’archéologie en Palestine et Israël. Paris : CNRS éditions.
  • Rosner C. [in press]. “Tracking Local Employees of the British Mandate Department of Antiquities in Palestine,” Bulletin of the History of Archaeology, special issue, “Histories of Labor in Archaeology”, edited by Sam Holley-Kline & Allison Mickel (2024).
  • Rosner C., E. Telkes-Klein [in press]. « Le Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem présente la préhistoire israélienne : exposition itinérante en France et en Israël, » In Actes du colloque : Du Rayonnement à l’influence. Histoire de la diplomatie culturelle, 4-5 mai 2022, edited by Martin, L. and Faucher, C. Toulouse : L’Attribut, 2024.
  • Rosner C. 2022. « Pour une histoire des réseaux préhistoriques franco-israéliens : Jean Perrot et la genèse du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem,» Organon, 54 : 65-86,
  • Rosner C. 2022. « Fouiller la Palestine, » In Chroniques de l’Europe, edited by Anceau E., Bledniak, B., Couhault, P. et al., 85-86. Paris : CNRS éditions.
  • Rosner C. 2018. « Des institutions et des hommes, » Cahiers de l’Orient, 130, no 2, 101-118.

Petr Kostrhun @ IUPPS History of archaeology

Research interests

Mgr. Petr Kostrhun, Ph.D. (* 1979), studied archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology and Museology at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic (Mgr. 2005, Ph.D. 2014; semester study internships at the Instytut Archeologii UJ in Krakow and Institutionen för arkeologii och antikhistoria Uppsala Universitet). Already during his studies, he joined the Moravian Museum in Brno. In 2005 – 2015, he held the position of curator and head of the Anthropos Pavilion at the MM. Since 2016, he has been working as head of the Centre for Cultural Anthropology of the MM, since 2021 as head of the Archaeological Institute of the MM. Member of the main committee of the Czech Archaeological Society. As part of his work at the MM, he was the author of 10 exhibitions and the curator of another 20 domestic and international exhibition projects.

He specializes in researching the history of archaeology in the Czech lands, within which he is the author and co-author of 12 monographs and more than 50 more extensive scientific texts, editor of the Studies of the Centre for Cultural Anthropology published parallelly in Czech and English. In 2007-2010, the leader the project of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic focused on the digitization of an extensive photographic collection from the estate of the prominent Czech archaeologist Karel Absolon (1877 – 1960). Organizer or co-organizer of seminars and conferences on the history of archaeology (2013 organizer of the international conference Czech-Polish relations in the history of archaeology until 1989, Brno; 2022, 2024 – Conferences on the history of archaeology in the Czech lands and Slovakia, Olomouc, Most). He also teaches the topic of the history of archaeology as part of external teaching at universities in the Czech Republic.

Published texts are available at:


  • OLIVA, M. – KOSTRHUN, P. 2023: National Socialist Archaeology in Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia. In: M. Eickhoff – D. Modl – K. Meheux – E. Nuijten (Eds.): National-Socialist Archaeology in Europe and its Legacies, p. 99 – 126. ISBN: 978-3-031-28023-8.
  • KOSTRHUN, P. 2023: Jan Jelínek´s Romania, 1974. Anthropologie LXI/3, 343 – 349.
  • KOSTRHUN, P. – VACHŮT, P. 2022: Nejstarší vyobrazení moravských archeologických nalezišť kustoda Františkova musea Morice Trappa/ The Earliest Depiction of the Moravian Archaeological Sites of The Custodian of the Františkovo Museum Moric Trapp. Studie Centra kulturní antropologie/ Study Series of the Centre for Cultural Anthropology 7/2022, p. 10-84. ISBN 978-80-7028-573-2.
  • KOSTRHUN, P. 2021: Expedice Jana Jelínka do Guinejské republiky v roce 1961/The Expedition of Jan Jelínek to The Republic of Guinea in 1961. Studie Centra kulturní antropologie/Study Series of the Centre for Cultural Anthropology 6/2021, p. 10-62. ISBN 978-80-7028-545-9.
  • ZAJÍČEK, Petr – OLIVA, Martin – KOSTRHUN, Petr 2021: Karel Absolon. Objevitel, manažer, vědec. Academia 2021, 432 p. ISBN 978-80-200-3167-9.
  • DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Hana – KOSTRHUN, Petr – SCHEUFLER, Pavel (eds.), 2020: Čas rytířů dalekých moří. Sběratel a mecenáš Jindřich Vávra/The Time of the Knights of the Far Seas. Collector and Patron Jindřich Vávra. Praha – Brno, Kant – Moravské zemské muzeum 2020, 252 p. ISBN 978-80-7437-317-6.
  • KOSTRHUN, Petr 2018: 90 let muzea Anthropos: Proměny muzea v období první Československé republiky/ 90 years of the museum Anthropos. The transformations of the museum at the time of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Studie Centra kulturní antropologie/ Study Series of the Centre for Cultural Anthropology 5/2018, p. 11 – 104.
  • KOSTRHUN, Petr 2018: Archaeology and Art: the Relationship of Karel Absolon (1877 – 1960) and Czechoslovak Artists in the Period Between the World Wars. In: D. H. Werra and M. Woźny, Between History and Archaeology Papers in honour of Jacek Lech, p. 455 – 470. Archaeopress, Oxford 2018. ISBN 978-1-78491-722-2.
  • NERUDOVÁ, Z. – VANÍČKOVÁ, E. – TVRDÝ, Z. – RAMBA, J. – BÍLEK, O. – KOSTRHUN, P.  2018: The woman from the Dolní Věstonice 3 burial: a new view of the face using modern technologies. Archeological and Anthropological Sciences 10/2018, 1- 12. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISSN 186-9557.
  • KOSTRHUN, Petr 2017: Antropologické a archeologické zájmy Moravského zemského muzea v Africe (1873 – 1987)/ Anthropological and Archaeological Interests of the Moravian Museum in Afrika (1873 – 1987). Studie Centra kulturní antropologie/ Study Series of the Centre for Cultural Anthropology 3/2017, p. 11 – 50. ISBN 978-80-7028-493-3.
  • KOSTRHUN, Petr 2016: Pavilon Anthropos – muzejní fenomén Československa ve 20. století/ Pavilion Anthropos – Museum Phenomenon of Czechoslovakia in the 20th Century. Studie Centra kulturní antropologie/ Study Series of the Centre for Cultural Anthropology 1/2016, p. 11 – 50. ISBN 978-80-7028-469-8.
  • KOSTRHUN, Petr 2009: Karel Absolon (1877-1960) and the Research of Significant Palaeolithic Sites in Moravia. Archaeologia Polona, 2009, vol. 47, no. 1, p. 91-139. ISSN 0066-5924.

Natalia Bulyk @ IUPPS History of archaeology

Natalia Bulyk is a distinguished scholar specializing in history, archaeology, the history of archaeology, and museology. She defended her doctoral dissertation, titled Archaeological Science in Lviv in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries.

Her academic journey at the I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine commenced in 2004, where she has undertaken various roles, junior researcher, researcher, and senior researcher of the Department of Archaeology (2016–2018). Currently, she holds the position of the head of the Department of Archaeology .

Since 2004, Natalia Bulyk has actively contributed to the organization of the annual International Scientific Conference “Archaeology of the West of Ukraine” as the secretary and deputy head of the organizing committee. Furthermore, she has been involved in the organization of the International Scientific Conference “History of Archaeology.” Noteworthy is her role as the editor-in-chief of the scientific collection “Materials and Studies on Archaeology of Sub-Carpathian and Volhynian Area”.

Her international collaborations extend to projects in Poland, including Kraków, Warszawa, and Wrocław. With a prolific scholarly output, Natalia Bulyk has authored more than 100 scientific and popular scientific publications.

Research interests

Her research interests encompass the history of archaeology, the protection of archaeological sites, the history of museum activities, and the study of visual sources. Her multidisciplinary contributions reflect a commitment to advancing knowledge in these diverse fields.
