Natalia Bulyk is a distinguished scholar specializing in history, archaeology, the history of archaeology, and museology. She defended her doctoral dissertation, titled Archaeological Science in Lviv in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries.
Her academic journey at the I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine commenced in 2004, where she has undertaken various roles, junior researcher, researcher, and senior researcher of the Department of Archaeology (2016–2018). Currently, she holds the position of the head of the Department of Archaeology .
Since 2004, Natalia Bulyk has actively contributed to the organization of the annual International Scientific Conference “Archaeology of the West of Ukraine” as the secretary and deputy head of the organizing committee. Furthermore, she has been involved in the organization of the International Scientific Conference “History of Archaeology.” Noteworthy is her role as the editor-in-chief of the scientific collection “Materials and Studies on Archaeology of Sub-Carpathian and Volhynian Area”.
Her international collaborations extend to projects in Poland, including Kraków, Warszawa, and Wrocław. With a prolific scholarly output, Natalia Bulyk has authored more than 100 scientific and popular scientific publications.
Research interests
Her research interests encompass the history of archaeology, the protection of archaeological sites, the history of museum activities, and the study of visual sources. Her multidisciplinary contributions reflect a commitment to advancing knowledge in these diverse fields.
- Булик Н. 2014. Львівська археологія ХІХ – початку ХХ століття: дослідники, наукові установи, музеї. Львів, 304 p. (Bulyk N. 2014. Lviv archaeology of ХІХ – to beginning of ХХ of century: researchers, scientific establishments, museums. Lviv. 304 p.)
- Bulyk N. 2017. The Life and Work of Bohdan Janusz (1887–1930) in the Context of the Intellectual Environment of the Galicia Region. Between History and Archaeology: Papers in honour of Jacek Lech. Oxford, p. 403–418.
- Bulyk N. 2009. “Lech J. Karol Hadaczek (1873–1914) and the beginnings of archaeology in universities of the North-East borderland of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy”. Archaeologia Polona. vol. 47. p. 59–89.
- Bulyk N. 2016. Archaeologists from L’viv in the formation of European intellectual environment of the middle of ХІХ – first quarter of ХХ century (interaction direct and indirect). ActaUniversitatisLodziensis. FoliaArchaeologica. Łódź. n. 31. p. 195–218.
- Lutsyk I., Bulyk N. 2022. “Medieval sacred monuments on the territory of Halych-Volynian Rus’: the history of research in the XIX – early XX centuries”. Przegląd Archeologiczny. vol. 70. p. 245–274. doi: 10.23858/PA70.2022.2865
- Bulyk N., Berest R. 2023. The Didushytsky family’s mission in conservation and research of Galician historical and archaeological heritage. Східноєвропейський історичний вісник. Вип. 27. p. 81–89. doi: 10.24919/2519-058X.27.281516
- Bulyk N., Berest R. 2023. Lviv archaeological environment during World War I. Archaeologia Polona. vol. 61. p. 75–104. doi: 10.23858/APa61.2023.3299
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